
It Looked Different on the Model by Laurie Notaro

Grade:   B+
Recommended for fans of Jen Lancaster and David Sedaris.

This is one delicious collection of essays from Laurie Notaro.  Riotously funny at times and just meh funny other times.  The hilariously funny essays more than make up for the less funny.  Notaro spares no one, mainly herself in these essays that run the gamut from trying on a super cute shirt in a boutique and getting stuck in it to Ambien induced highs and neighborhood Christmas parties.  Throw in a neurotic Italian mother with a penchant for forwarding emails regardless of their validity.  Oh and there's a Fart Chart.

Lessons I learned while reading this:
- I probably should have waited until I was rid of the UTI from hell.
- I should not have read this while the mister is sound asleep.  It took every bit of restraint not to wake him up and say you have to read this part.
- Laurie Notaro, Jen Lancaster and I have the same potty mouth, snarky sense of humor, lack of a verbal firewall, and were likely related in a past life. 
- Peeing your pants from laughing so hard is no where near as funny to you as it is to the above said husband. 
- I hope the bouts of insomnia do not return.  Ambien me is not someone I want to meet.

If you can't read an essay about Laurie's alter ego Ambien Laurie and not snort with laughter there must be something wrong with you.  Because I'm a jerk, if I were friends with someone with an Ambien prescription, I would totally be the first one calling or emailing to find out if the Ambien friend could come out and play.  If you can read a well thought out Fart Chart and not think it's funny, not only is there something wrong with you but you probably had no business reading this book in the first place.

Highly recommended for anyone with a sense of humor, especially if you have found yourself in one of the same predicaments as Notaro.  Getting stuck in an article of clothing that has a size tag on it from the devil is a very real issue.

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