Grade: F
Some may think this review to be vicious, but the book club thinks it's bluntly honest. I don't have it in me to summarize this book other than saying, or rather shouting DO NOT READ THIS BOOK! Seriously don't bother, it's not worth is at all. There are so many other books out there more deserving of a read than anything Hamilton writes.
A little background for those not in the book club. We had previously read When Madeline Was Young and were bored senseless with a very disjointed book. The premise of that story was interesting...the dynamics of a family composed of a man and his second wife, their kids, and his brain injured first wife with the intellect of a 6 year old. The plot had potential to be a fabulous story (had it been written by anyone besides Hamilton) but it turned into more of a political commentary about the Vietnam War.
We decided to give Jane Hamilton another try since The Book of Ruth got better reviews (and certain members watched the movie on Lifetime recently). Huge mistake! TBoR was no different than When Madeline Was Young. Both were boring as could be to read, and could have been fantastic in the hands of any other writer (besides Jodi Picoult).
What I learned from reading this book:
- Jane Hamilton cannot write an interesting story to save her life
- I should have trusted my instincts and not read another Hamilton book
- There was a reason the used book store had boatloads of copies that they were selling for $1
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