This is totally off topic and has nothing to do with books, but none the less important.
Holy smokes I cannot believe that I haven't posted about this earlier! My Dreamsicle kitties have turned one (back in May)! So a huge happy birthday goes out to the cutest little feline boys of mine, Pickles and Vito. They don't look anything like the same itty bitty kitties that I rescued when they were just a pound and a pound and a half. Vito had blue eyes...well goopy blue eyes, they have now become clear green eyes. Vito was also thought to be a girl from the quack vet who has since been banned from seeing any of our critters. Pickles looked like Yoda with his big huge head and itty bitty body. He has been a bold one since the beginning, scaling the stairs and pulling himself up with his claws. What I don't miss is looking like a total nutjob like I did last summer when they were tiny and liked to climb my legs. Who knew Pickles was going to turn into such a meatball (he's at least 12lbs), and a weirdo cat with a water fetish. Also had no clue that Vito would turn into the feline garbage disposal that eats anything besides yogurt, tortilla soup and cauliflower pasta.
What I do know is that both boys were destined to be a part of our house. Those who know me know that I am passionate about animal rescue and will never buy a pet from a pet store when there are so many homeless animals needing forever homes. Pickles was destined to be a part of our family. Had he gone to any other home, he would not have met Homer and fallen in love with his 100 pound lab/pit mix. Seriously I think Pickles views Homer as his giant mama cat. Vito was destined to be mine because how many other mamas out there would let him eat off a fork? He's so civilized, eating off silverware. He's my little white fuzzy purr factory. He sits next to me during meal times waiting for a free sample to come his way. Oh and he gives kisses too.
So call me a bad mom for not posting their pictures and depriving the world of cuteness. I promise to post some soon, after I salvage what I can from WordPress.
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